So Melanie and I have been off on vacation for over a week now and I just wanted to give a quick recap of all my adventures!
First we drove a REALLY LONG way to Amarillo. It was exhausting and I spent most of the hours snoozing in the co-pilot chair. It rained along the way also so I didn't get to take a break when we stopped for gas/food/rest/etc.
I thought I would be nice and rested by the time we got there so I could play. However, little known to me when we arrived everyone was gone! They went to some party and no dogs were allowed! Melanie left me off and went to see everyone.....sad little Jaxson was left to sleep for a few more hours :-(
Later everyone came home and I had a great time as I was the center of attention. Now, I would say my goal on vacation is to get as much petting, lap time and napping in as possible in true pug fashion. I was successful on all accounts as you can see in these pictures.
Sitting in Grandma's lap....stealing her away from that terrible invention the computer.
Sitting in Melanie's lap....we went to get coffee at a local hangout.
In protest over not getting any bagel, I promptly initiated a coup by sitting on the table.
Here I am with Aunt Julie....she really loves me!
In addition to my laptime, I went on several adventures to see the sites. First we hit up the Cadillac ranch. It is this semi-famous site where 10 cars are buried nose down. People go out there with spray paint and decorate them. Periodically the owners paint them solid to give visitors a fresh canvas. Personally the fumes made me lightheaded!
Now Julie had to work the first days we were visiting, but one night she came to visit for dinner. Afterwards I talked the "girls" into taking me on a stroll around the neighborhood. It was peaceful and lovely.
On another day, we went to the home improvement store to buy dirt and plants. Then we headed over to Melanie's grandpa's place to plant his porch containers. Everyone should have something beautiful to look at. I was more interested in playing in the dirt than planting it. Luckily there was some extra that I got to enjoy. All the people at his house just love me....they say I am soooooo cute! And who's to argue!
Now in case you didn't know, the whole reason for our visit was to see my Aunt Katie graduate. I've always wanted to graduate....the cap and gown are good. Melanie said maybe someday I can graduate from obedience school, but not to expect the special outfit. I said I would settle for a cookie! Anyway, Katie is planning to move to College Station where I live so I hope I can see her lots this fall!
At the end of our trip, we headed to San Antonio to see another graduation. This time Katie's cousin (and Melanie and Julie's too) was graduating. She is also going to come to see me in the fall...Double trips to the park....just what the doctor ordered.
While we were there, I got to see Reily my doggie friend again. He has gotten a lot bigger in only a month or two. He is so big now that I have to focus on my ninja moves to escape him!
We are home was a fun filled vacation, but I am really exhausted. In fact, my first activity upon arrival was to jump on MY couch and take snooze.