The Thief
Today Melanie took me to Steeplechase dog park. Since it was quite warm, she brought my little collapsible water bowl for me. All the dogs were enjoying the water, and I was glad to share with everyone. However, after we had been there a while a newly arrived dog came up. He snatched it up and ran away with it spilling all the water! Then when me and my friends tried to retrieve it he snarled at us and wouldn't give it back! Finally Melanie rescued it but the dog was mean to her too! She was upset cause the human owner had dropped this dog off inside the park and then left with a 2nd dog to take a walk outside the fence well out of sight of the first dog. I can totally see her point...I mean I'm not a doggie-sitter. I made Melanie leave the park after this because I didn't want her to get hurt....I'm very protective!
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