Jaxson the Pug

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Zebra Shirt

So I think I am in the clear from getting in trouble with that cake this weekend cause Melanie took me back to the park today. All my friends were there including Roxie (pitbull) and Atila (Mastiff). Those two really love to fight so I have to act as referee! Everyone thinks it's so cute that I bark at them while they play. Melanie tries to get me to play with them, but I'd rather play chase than roll around on the ground. Lucky for me, another dog showed up that really liked to "hunt" me. She would lie low in the grass and then lunge at me as I walked by. This started a chase around the park. Now I am really tired so I think I will try to go to bed early if Melanie will let me.


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